Alternatively, switch between port 26,26 and 465 for out going emails as some ISP's usually block 25 to avoid SPAMMERS.
But if you use your ISP SMTP and reached the email send limit of your provider, you will get one of the following errors:
-Your provider will not let you log-in to the outgoing SMTP server (your SMTP username & password are rejected).
-When trying to send an email, you will receive an error message saying that you reached your daily SMTP limit, for example:
- "Requested action aborted; number of recipients or message quota reached";
- "Error with sending recipients - rejected due to spam";
- "SMTP relay limit reached";
- "Please try to increase the timeout setting for this account".
-When trying to send an email, the outgoing mail server will respond with an error saying that your IP address is blocked for outgoing emails, for example:
- "Too frequent connects from [YOUR IP ADDRESS], please try again later";
- "SMTP access is restricted for [YOUR IP ADDRESS]";
- "Message has not been sent server reply --[YOUR IP ADDRESS]".